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2023/Kyan -

My name is Kyan Wynkoop. I am currently in 7th grade and I go to Anderson middle school. I came from Wyoming, Cheyenne. I've been stationed in Guam, Hawaii, and Wyoming. But in total I've been to 9 places.

Every time I go to a new school I always find one person that I become friends with on the first day, they show me around and tell me about the school. Even though you have to be the new kid at school people can be welcoming and help you settle into your new school. Everyone says being a military child is hard but I like being a military child because I get to travel the world and meet new people. Because of being a military child, I have been to so many great places. Some places can be enjoyable but it's okay because you will move in a few years anyways. My favorite part is seeing many different cultures and places. Some of the best cultures in my opinion are Guam, Hawaii, and Japan. I would rather be a military child than live in the same place my whole life.

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