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Being a Military Kid

Imagine moving from place to place for some years… that’s what you call being a military kid! Here’s some pros and cons about being a military kid.

First, you get to eat different types of foods all around the world. Like if you move to Japan you could try cream soda or sushi, but then you have to move and can’t enjoy the food because it’s not in the new place you’re moving to.

Second, I get to travel and explore new places, like in the Philippines there is this island called Palawan. People in the Philippines say they have the bluest or clearest water and it’s great to swim in.

Finally, I get to make new friends around the world which I think is unique because of their culture. It’s kinda sad too because of moving. You must leave your friends who have always been there with you.

Now, being a military kid is hard with all the moving but fun too because you get to explore. :)

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