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My Shadow

I am a Military child. My dad works as a step sergeant in the Army, and my mom works as a pharmacist in the hospital. I have one friend that helps me and goes anywhere I go. My Shadow.

I rely on my shadow on a lot of things. When my dad got deployed for the first time, I was only in kindergarten. He deployed for 9 months. That day is when I met my shadow. She pretends to be me whenever I feel sad, furious, or lonely. She never gets tired. She takes on shifts when I feel like I don’t belong here.

But, for the first time ever, when my dad got deployed again, my shadow left. She was nowhere to be found. So, for the first time, I tried to live without her. The first 2 years were OK, actually. This year, my parents say we have to leave Korea in 1 year.

I try calling for my shadow, but before she reaches me, I share my feelings. My shadow says I have grown on my own. Now, I always thank my best friend, My shadow.

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