Kanen S...
Kubasaki High School
“The Few. The Proud”, the simple yet powerful slogan belonging to the U.S Marine Corps, can also be used to describe the military child. My experience as a military child has been a grand one and I would not trade it for that of a “normal life”. Being a military child has allowed me to experience things that most kids my age could only watch or read about. My favorite example of this is when my father received orders to Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. Bratislava? Slovakia? Where’s that?, I asked myself. Back then I had no idea where or what this place was. The fact that we were moving there very soon was scary. When we arrived, it felt like we had walked into a storybook village. I knew I would love living there. Bratislava still maintains old world character while growing as a modern city. In Old Town, we would eat gelato by the castle, ride our scooters along winding cobblestone roads, and play laser tag at Space World with our new friends who came from all over the world. I was able to live in this incredible place because of the military, the Marine Corps, and my father's job. I am very proud and lucky to be a military child. I have done and experienced things that were magical. Thank you for your service, dad, and for giving us these unique opportunities.