Scarlett K...
Osan Middle/High School
You think you know, but you have no idea what an athlete goes through when transferring to a school overseas. A life spent revolving around a sport, turns to struggling to keep up with players in the States. With a scarcity of competitiveness and resources like travel teams and clubs, even playing for a division two team in college feels incredibly out of reach. Time overseas is spent constantly wondering where you could be with your sport if you lived in the States. It feels like no matter how hard you work, athletes in the states having will always be ahead. My life has revolved around volleyball since the end of 5th grade, but it's almost embarrassing to say, because when compared to people my age in the States, I look like I'm lying due to the past two years living in South Korea. These two years have been filled with countless hours spent trying to keep up. This situation is worse in the eyes of a senior. There are no scouts here for sports, and to get a scholarship through athletics, your only option is to send in film from the school season, which is commonly overlooked. Now, I feel like it is hard to get anywhere with volleyball, and while I will never give up on getting ahead, my career in athletics was the hardest goodbye. This is a struggle for all athletes stationed overseas that not enough know about.