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We are Strong and Resilient!

I think military children are strong and resilient because we have to go through lots of things. Sometimes when your mom or dad is on a ship they have to go on deployment. They have to be gone for a long time and it can be sad. You won’t be able to see them for months. After that happens for a while you can get used to it and become strong. You get resilient from seeing them go and then become happy when they come back.

Being a military child you have to move and your friends have to move. You have to be strong and resilient. We move frequently like every 2 to 5 years and that's hard. We meet new people, we have to be away from our family, and way more. Being a military brat (child) can help with being strong and brave for your parents.

As expressed, military brats are strong and resilient. We go through things like moving frequently and being away from family. We see our parents go on deployment and we see them come back from deployment. We go and our friends go. That is why we are strong and resilient. We go through stuff other kids might not be able to experience.

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