Matthew B...
Sollars Elementary School
What is it like as a military child? It is fun being a military child. I get a chance to move to different places. There we, my family and I learn new things, such history, culture, lodging place, different climates, and foods. Also, we learn new languages and the varies types of money. As a military child I have visited, Hawaii. I visited Peal City, Hawaii because I went to see my grandpa and grandma. On vacation we went to Tokyo and saw Tokyo Sky Tower. In Sapporo we went there so we could see the snow sculpture. Since we have been in Japan I think it is really cool because this is where Pokémon was created and play station 5. What are the pros and cons of being military child? Pros are traveling to different places, learning new things, and making new friends. Cons are having to chance houses because we have to spend money.