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Jayden M...

Child of the Military

I am a child of the military,

Raised in a world full of diversity,

Stationed in Europe, where the sights,

They are breathtaking, and the days are bright.

The sound of church bells fills the air,

As I wander down streets with a curious stare,

The smell of fresh bread and coffee,

Remind me of a world far from homey.

The castles and cathedrals, oh so grand,

Remind me of a time in a far-off land,

Where princesses danced and knights rode,

And tales of magic and wonder flowed.

The cobblestone streets and winding lanes,

Are the backdrop to my childhood games,

As I play hide-and-seek, and tag and chase,

With friends from all over the military base.

But in the midst of all this beauty and fun,

I know that there is work to be done,

For my parents, they serve their country,

And to their duty, they remain undaunted and hearty.

So, I am a military child, stationed in Europe,

Living a life of adventure and scope,

A life that is not always easy, but always grand,

And with each passing day, I come to understand.

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