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2023/Atticus -

Atticus C...

Narrator: This is a planet in the system A Centuri. This planet holds a species exactly like humans. The only difference between Earth and here is controlled by many celestial beings hidden away on a sub-plane of reality. These humans know their existence. It depends on person to person or civilization to civilization what they think of them. Right now, a certain human has an ambition to destroy the celestial powers and give true freedom to this world. Through every major battle, she always fails.

Main Character: No! It happened! Why does it always happen?! I can never stop it. I struggle to find a way to get information to defeat the gods, but every time I get close, I lose. They defeat me in an instant. Every time I fall to someplace new I haven't experienced before, I'm forced to adapt; I never die. It feels like I lose everything, I lose everyone, I lose all my progress I struggled so hard to make! It always happens. Some people are still with me, but I never see them. My life resets as I fall somewhere different, and I restart my life. I build my life anew, then I fall and have to build it anew again. When will this cycle of getting everything and losing everything again and again ever end? But I must carry on through every reset to achieve my goal and maybe, just maybe, one day I will win.

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