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2023/Britton -

Britton R...

Even among the military community, I move a lot. The longest that I have lived without moving is two years. I am currently on my 9th move. My older sister is in her 11th year of school and at her 11th school. My younger sister has spent more of her life outside the continental U.S. than in it. The hardest part of being a military child is having to make new friends every time I move. However, there are many benefits to being a military child, such as having visited at least 12 countries. I know how to get around an airport, how to travel, and how to use public transport. I also know how to understand someone without speaking the same language as them most of the time. In all, being a military child benefits me in being independent, and it will benefit me in life as an adult because I know life skills that people who haven’t had my experiences have to learn later in life.

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