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2023/Hannah -

Dear Dad,

Hi! How are you? How’s life on the ship? We all miss you! It’s a bummer you couldn’t be with us on this trip.

Moving’s hard. I’m going to miss all of my friends in Japan, but I know I’ll make new ones here in Maryland. That’s one good thing about being a military child, even though goodbyes are hard, you get to see amazing places and meet so many people.

I know you love roller coasters. We went to Cedar Point! We rode this awesome roller coaster called GateKeeper. It was so much fun! We were hanging off the sides of the track instead of being in the car. It went sideways, upside down, and in loop-de-loops. Several times, it looked like we were going to hit the supports, but the cars yanked us away at the last second. Once, we were so close to the ground, it felt like I could reach out and touch it. There was a beautiful view from the top of the coaster; you could see Lake Erie and all the other coasters. I’m sorry you couldn’t join us. It would have been more fun if you had been there.

How are you doing on the ship? Is it a fun experience? How many ports have you stopped in, and how many more countries have you seen? Do you know how long until you can join us in Maryland? We love and miss you!

Can’t wait to see you!


Hannah <3

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