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2023/Peyton -

Two years have gone by since we last saw each other. Two years of scrolling through old messages of when we were joined at the hip and texting every minute of every day. Waking up in the morning to go to school isn’t the same without knowing that I would see you waiting at my locker, standing there in that red sweater with those ribbons in your hair and a smile on your face that rivals any morning star. It’s a shame that no one mentions how strong love for friends can be, but you were there for me when no one else was and no one else could be. I whispered Thank you before I pulled away from our last hug, and the puzzled sadness on your face was enough to make another choked cry escape me as I brushed the tears from my face and waved as you went into your car and drove off. Thank you again for everything you did. I forgive you for not doing everything you didn’t know to do.

--Your friend

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