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2023/Sofia -

Being a part of a military family might be one of the hardest things to endure. If your guardian is assigned with sea duty, they will leave for 3-6 months and could miss important things in your life. Moving everywhere and not being able to get comfortable where you are because you will end up moving away from that area and your friends is difficult. Yes, you can stay in contact with those friends, but you can’t always contact them because of time differences. However, things that happen in military schools are better than things that happen in the non-DoDEA schools. Being in a military base and being a military child in general brings you to ease when you think about events that happen in the states or what could happen once your parent in the military retires and moves you back to the states. People in the school won’t always be the ideal people you would want to spend your time with, and most people you can’t even trust, let alone tell them about what you are struggling with. Although being a military child can come with social problems, not all of the experiences are bad. Being a military child gives you so many privileges, and you can learn so many more things about different places around the world because of moving around.

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