Terika K...
Yokosuka Middle School
If I wasn't a military child How many places of the world would I have seen? Would I know about so many different cultures, and people who aren't like me?
If I wasn't a military child Would I be able to keep friends for more than a couple years? Build actually relationships, spare a few tears?
If I wasn't a military child Would I have as many opportunities to better my education? Be taught by great teachers and take a wide variety of different lessons?
If I wasn't a military child Would I know more about my family? Talk to my cousins often, get to know my aunts and uncles, not feel like the odd one out at family reunions? Would I see my dad more? Would he miss as many birthdays?
If I wasn't a military child Would I be more used to stability? I wonder a lot how different my life would be, If my father wouldn't have joined the military. But in all, I am thankful to be able to explore the world And have a parent fighting for our country And if I had to, I would do it all over again