Audrey F...
Yokota Middle School
As a military child I feel I had more than enough chances to travel the world. I've lived in a total of 6 places and I have been on a plane multiple times and have 3 passports. But I've had friends who’ve never traveled outside of state and don’t even have a passport. Me personally, I love flying and I have a big interest in aircrafts. But some people have a fear of fighting and don’t feel like being in a tin can, 35,000 feet in the air over the ocean is very safe. Which is reasonable. But also being in the military family gives my family and I many chances to move to different places. For example, I'm moving this summer. My family and I have been discussing where we want to move next and during dinner when I got home my said, “We’re moving to Hawaii!”. Being a military child and because of my parents' jobs, we’ve been able to move to places that are some peoples dream places to go. For example Hawaii and Japan are some amazing places that people want to go for vacation but being in the military gives us the chance to live there. Now that I’m older it makes me as sad as a rain cloud to leave all my friends. But that's the life of being a military child.