Dylan M...
Yokota Middle School
The worst thing about being a military kid is you have to move a lot. Because of how much we moved it was hard to make friends because everytime I made friends we had to move. Now this time, My family and I were just informed by my dad that we were moving to Japan and that we were going to get paid a lot more. So there we were at 8:30 am waitting for the plane to land. The stress of not being able to make it to the plane was the most stressful thing. Then the plane landed then we were going to Japan. 5 hours later I was getting bored because the tablet on the chair broke. Then that’s when the plane ride felt like an eternity. In my head I was saying “this plane is going slower than a sloth”. Then we made it in Japan at 8:47 AM. We were going to the base and taking pictures of everything. The reason we moved to Japan was because of my dad's job at 2 banks. The stress was real when the time came for me to go to school. So the best part of my dad’s job is that we were able to move to Japan and get more stuff, but every good thing comes to an end. We are moving in June 2028, but every time we move new memories are made along the way.