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Moving in the Military

Still sorting! This is so frustrating! I want to do so much before I leave. Mom once said, “we’re on to the next adventure”. Not again, I thought, where now? JAPAN!? I want to go to In & Out, I want to go to Chick Fil A, and most of all, I want to see Mrs. Frostie.

Will I be able to do gymnastics in Japan? I spend so many hours there right now. I have so many thoughts in my head I think I will explode. We have to leave for Japan so soon and I am getting so nervous. Now I have to start preparing to get rid of books and toys then put things into storage. Day after day we are sorting stuff into 3 piles: 1) with stuff to get rid of 2) to put in storage 3) to keep. How will I tell my friends?

I have to say goodbye to all of my friends and gymnastics. Being a military kid means saying goodbye a lot and giving up things that you love.

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