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Military Child

As a Military child, I enjoy being in the community, but there are some things I feel uncomfortable with.

I dislike how we have to move constantly. Because of that, I always have to make new friends when I move away. I have to switch schools constantly, and have to remember the new teachers and new principals' names. I have to get used to the new school layout, and have to start remembering where all the classes are.

Since we have to move a lot, here’s some things I do during the time I'm at different places. When I get enrolled into a school, I start to learn their language. I also try to make new friends at my school, so I don't feel lonely. I learn about their culture and traditions, and talk about it at the dinner table with my family. I also research about the country, state, or island. I sometimes ask my parents if we could go to this cool, fun, place I researched about. I also learn about some new holiday’s they made, so I could also attend some fun events happening nearby, or celebrate them.

Sadly, I can’t see my dad much since he either goes away for TDY, and/or his work hours are long. I can only see my dad if he comes home early. Sometimes I go to his workplace, I drop him lunch, or when he gets promoted.

Another thing about being a Military child is you get different opportunities for others who aren’t a Military child. One of them is Dodea schools. Since I am a Military child, I can easily go to a Dodea school, which is a hard opportunity for others who are not, so I'm grateful for that.

Anyway, that’s how it's like being a Military child, from my perspective.

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