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2024/Lydia -

My Military Life

Hi my name is Lydia Rodriguez and i live in a military family and there's some good and some bad things about living in a military family.


You get to meet so many new friends. When i made my new friend it was so special to me and now that we know each other we love to make fortune tellers on our bus,we ride the same bus

You get to experience new cultures. When me and my family move to new houses ,cultures and places I love to try and learn new hobbies and try to be more organized.

You get to go to new schools and meet new teachers. When I moved to my new school I was very nervous but when I released all my classmates where very nice in clouding my teacher I new It was going to be the best school year ever


You sometimes have to say goodbye to friends and family. When i had to say goodbye to my best friend it was so sad and heartbroken it was the worst day ever,and we loved to play with each other and now can’t

You have to move to new schools.When I moved to my new school I didn't think it was that bad. Some people think that it’s bad but I've realized that this is my life and I’m going to be moving.

You have to move away from places you love. When I have to move from places I love I get I get so sad because me and my family always get good houses and boom a couple years living there we have to move.

All in all these are some pros and some cons about living in a military family.

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