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Military Child!

Have you ever been to a soccer game? Cause I have! I went to my friend Nico's game, and it was super exciting. My dad drove me and my mom to the field.

Then, I watched his game. I felt so nervous, like butterflies were having a party in my stomach. I felt nervous because I really wanted Nico’s team to win. The other team was a good team. But guess what? Nico’s teammate Noah scored a goal! I jumped and screamed Let’s go Nico let's go!

After the game, something really cool happened. My family and Nico's family, we all went to have breakfast together. It was like a big celebration! We ate ramen, sushi, and chicken, and Nico and I got to sit next to each other and talk about the game and a bunch of other stuff. I don't really like sushi.

Have you ever played Pokémon Mezastar? Nico and I each have our favorite Pokémon. Mine is Bulbasur because he's strong and he has the power to heal others.

Being a military child means I've lived in different places and met lots of friends like Nico. Each friend and each place has its own special story. And even though sometimes I have to say goodbye when we move, I always remember the fun times, like Nico's soccer game and playing Pokémon. No matter where I go, I know I'll make new friends and have new adventures.

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