Boston M...
Lester Middle School
A dandelion is a weed, as it grows its roots break through the stone and gravel of the groundbreaking most things in its paths rooting themselves and making problems wherever they go whether it's a bike wheel popping and hurting a small rose for the small amount of joy that will one day go, it brings memories, yes but no matter what a dandelion is a double-barbed flower, to the golden the dandelion brings memories and that's true, but also a pain for the silvers but its a sign of hope for the goldens, for the silvers a sign of pain. the memories that a dandelion brings can be a joy and a burden for whoever has the curse or blessing of the dandelion, the yin and yang, the silver and gold, it all can bring momentary bliss, most roses won't see the dandelion only read and hear about them, but the silvers who have them first hand will see the double barbs of the dandelion and that is a curse to some or a blessing to most.