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Growing up in a military family, I experienced a lot of different adventures and changes. My dad’s job took us to different places, and each move meant starting over in a new school, making new friends, and adapting to a new community.

I remember after each move, the excitement of exploring new cities. My surroundings are constantly changing. I always find a favorite thing about each place I go to. Sometimes, it can be in a loud city, or a beautiful landscape away from all the noise. I always try to learn any new traditions or cultures I encounter.

With every new beginning comes very sorrowful goodbyes. Having to say goodbye to friends that became a regular part of my life is never easy. However, the bonds I have created with all these other military children is worth it. We understand the struggles of being a military child, but also the benefits.

Education was very hard too. I have been to many schools in different countries, this has exposed me to different perspectives and ways of learning.

Through it all, my family was constant. We always created a sense of home wherever we went. Together, we cherished the moments we had together and making the most of every opportunity.

Being a military child has shaped me in many ways. It has taught me strength, being able to adapt very quickly, and embracing change. It has made me feel appreciation for the sacrifices made by my dad and all those who serve. Most Importantly it has taught me to cherish the present moment and finding strength in the connections we make along the way.

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