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Where I’m From Inspired by George Ella Lyon

I am from the Gem of the Mountains

From the tall, snowcapped peaks and amethyst.

I am from the vibrant Basque Block under the Rivergreen Belt.

Cold winters, and hot summers, it tasted like the perfect mixture.

I am from the sage-covered deserts

The ravaged volcanic fields

Whose smoky scent I remember

as if they were my own.

I’m from the Craters of the Moon and the Valley of the Sun

From the Shoshone and the Bruneau.

I’m from the land of fishing and the

joy of hiking and white water

From yama to yama and kawa to kawa!

I’m from the floating dandelions

With purple uniforms

And ten seedlings i can plant myself.

I’m from Espanol and ginkgo tree,

event planner, and manager.

From the friends lost to the PCS,

Used to keep me company.

Under my bed was a soul filled with DETERMINATION,


A touch of KINDNESS

To drift beneath my dreams.

I am from those moments -

Once upon a time before I traversed

The rangy mountain of Mt. Ebott.

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