Meleseleisa U...
Osan Middle/High School
I am from the Last Frontier From Denali and Mount Roberts I am from the Moose’s Iceberg Under the ice Sparkly, snow, it tasted refreshing. I am from alien bases The rumors Whose classified, secrets i remember As if they were my own.
I’m from “ I love you. “ and “ GO BE GREAT! “ From “ Malo’elelei “ and “Talofa. “ I’m from the Rugby and the Volleyball From basketball and soccer! I’m from softball With a home run And ten purple cupcakes I can make myself. I’m from beauty and loudness Delicate flower and grizzlies From the birds chirping lost To the blue sky Used to keep me alive.
Under my bed was a Dandelion monster Spilling turtle memories A river of fluffy seeds To drift beneath my dreams. I am from those moments That i remember before I talk Peace and quiet fallen from my sleep.