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More good than bad!

Being a military child can be good and bad. The good thing about being a military child is that you get to move to new places and see new things and you get to meet new people. The tough part is that when you move you are leaving your friends and your house, so it can sometimes be hard to adjust to somewhere new and to new people.

Living on or off base is also a big decision. Living on base is fun because it is easier to connect with your neighbors because most of them are school friends. You are also able to go to the mall they have on base, which has a food court and some shops. You could also be like my family and live off base! We have many German friends and go to local restaurants, which is fun too.

Overall, I think that deployment is the hardest. Deployment is when your family leaves to go to a foreign country. They will usually stay there for two months or more, and you don’t always get to talk to them or know when you’ll see them next.

Personally, I like being a military child. I get to make new friends everywhere we move and see new places. I feel lucky when I get to visit with family when we go back "home" and I like spending time with my parents and sisters. Being a military child makes me appreciate all of those times even more.

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