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life as a military child

Life as a military child can be bad and good. Every once in a while you have to move, but it's okay because you will meet new friends wherever you go. It is weird sometimes when you have to start at a new school and explore new places, but moving there can be different. It can either be a long car ride or a long plane flight, then you have to wait for your belongings to get there, then you’re able to move into your new house. Leaving can be sad sometimes, but you get through it. You do have to leave your friends, but you make new ones so it's okay. As a military child I have many experiences and memories. Some of the memories can be bad and good.I would move a few times. Like I went from Texas to Washington State. And now I am on a whole new continent. But it’s the life of being a military child. My dad would deploy sometimes, meaning that he went to war. My mom was scared sometimes because she didn’t know if he would ever come back. But it was always a blessing to have him come back home. With my family being back together again I am happy. It was hard for my mom, too, having to take care of 3 kids when my dad would have to deploy or go TDY. It was also hard for her to keep track of everything she and we needed to do

And this is my story of being a military child. It might seem done but it’s not. The story is just beginning.

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