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Georgina E...

In a military child's mind

Being a military child isn’t always easy. You have the feeling of constantly moving places, and you constantly have to readapt. For me being a military child is both an advantage and a burden. By being a military child, I have access to a DODEA school on base, with computers, clean classes and clean bathrooms, etc. Compared to normal schools, I would say my school is luxurious. The military base is also a very safe place for us, kids, compared to other towns in Belgium. But being a military child is not always a fairy tale. There are many rough moments along the way. I’ve experienced changing schools three times in the last few years, and already that was very harsh on me, so I can’t even imagine how it will feel to move back to the United States. It can sometimes seem easy to make friends, but you will always miss the old ones, and will have a hard time letting go of them. It also means that sometimes you have to move away from family, and in my case, I will not be able to see them very often once I move. It is tricky to leave some memories behind, but after a few months, you adapt to the new place and it all starts to feel like home again. Until you move once more. And that’s the life of a military child. It can be cool, it can be hard. But overall, I think it is a great chance to be a military child! You get to discover many places, change room designs every so often, and you also get very good at socializing. In my life, I’ve been to America and Belgium, and they are already both awesome! I will move back to America in two years, and I can’t wait to see where I’ll go next.

Georgina E.

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