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Dear Diary,

Life as a military child can be tough. There are drawbacks and improvements but it never feels quite as good as life is in your home country. You never wanted to come here. You were forcefully ripped from your home and now you just have to keep on going and that can be tough. You had to say goodbye to your family that you always had close to—all the friends you made over the years and then you move. But there are quite a few good things about it. For example, you can meet new people and explore their cultures while still keeping in contact with your friends. I still see the friends I made back in Poland every time I get the chance to do. I spent my Halloween with them last year, and I saw some of them on New Year's with my family I see them almost every holiday. Another great improvement is that Belgium is close to every good vacation spot in Poland. I used to have to travel for a very long time when I wanted to go somewhere, but here I can go to France in 20 minutes instead of hours. In addition to that reason, having short travel times also lets you do a lot more traveling. I went to Paris and this weekend I'm going to Mont Saint Michel which is an island in France and is a beautiful place which is an experience that I will never forget. So what I have to say is that being a military child has its ups and downs but in the end, it’s all worth it.

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