Olivia M
SHAPE Middle School
I’m a military child. No, I don’t love moving all the time. No, I don’t wish I was a ‘normal kid’. Yes, I’m sad when I leave my friends. But it’s worse when they leave me. At least when I’m the one moving, I can meet new people and have the excitement of a new house, closer relatives, and sometimes, leaving bad people I knew. Yes, I do enjoy making new friends. But that might just be because I’m an extrovert. I’m sure if you asked my sister she’d give you a different answer. Yes, it’s hard when my dad goes on deployment. When I was younger, I thought he was on the front lines and I would cry every night, trying to make him come home. Now I know that my dad’s safe when he leaves, but it’s still hard to imagine him in another country without any mental support such as myself. Yes, I love moving to places in Europe. In Belgium, I love the countryside. In France, Mont St. Michel is breathtaking. Germany’s mountains are my favorites. Yes, being able to travel two hours and be in another country is amazing. No, I don’t get tired of seeing things everybody back home never gets to see. I’m a military child. After traveling the world I feel like I’m a part of it. Yes, I know how small I am compared to Europe. Compared to America. Compared to the world. But as a military child, I know how important my being here is. How us military children can change the world.