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2024/Isla -

Being A Military Child

Hi, my name is Isla Tachikawa, and I will tell you what it's like to be a Military child. My Dad is in the Military. He works for Ronald Reagan. When my dad leaves the house, we drop him off where the ship is at and where the workers work, but before then my dad goes on deployment then comes back after 2-4 months then stays at the house for about 6-8 months or so then leaves back out to the sea.

When my dad goes to deployment, I feel sad, lonely, and sometimes happy. I feel happy because when my dad is around, I cannot go shopping! But when he goes on deployment, we all drop him off where the place the ships are but the territory of the workers. My family must move a lot. We moved to America, Italy and Japan. It was sad because I might not see my friends and best friends anymore! But when I moved to Italy, I made new friends and then had to move. I had to leave places repeatedly.

Before my dad goes on deployment, I write letters for him. I also draw him pictures. When I moved to Japan, I moved to the Navy Lodge. Afterwards we looked for a house and there was 1 of them that was next to the ocean, but the price of the house was too expensive. So now I live in a blue house. This is My letter about what's it like being a Military Child.

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