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Month Of The Military Child

Hello, my name is Nate and I am a military child. I travel from place to place around the world. I make friends along the way but I also lose friends because I move. Moving away is as hard as moving to a new place/country.

Moving in is difficult because you have to get familiar with a new place and possibly a new language. Also flying on an airplane can be an anxious experience.

Another piece of advice is to make the most of where you live. Eating new foods, going to new places, and experiencing things you haven’t done ever is a good thing to do. When you go on vacation, you go to fun and cool places and eat their food. You do the same thing when moving into a new country or place.

The places I’ve lived were the Philippines and Okinawa, Japan. I have had memories there since living 6 years in each of the places being there. I have also met friends and family in both places from living there. I’ve tried new foods, went to places, and learned the culture from both places.

These are the advice, challenges, and experiences I have shared. I hope I have helped you have more fun when moving to places you haven’t been to and look at cool places you’ve never been to. I hope I gave you good advice when moving! Thank you for reading my Month of the military child!

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