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Military Child Essay

Hello, my name is Ohlen and I am 11. This is my military child essay. But before we get into that I'm going to tell you a little more about me. My name is Ohlen and like I said earlier I am 11 years old, and right now I am in Japan. I have been to a lot of places like America, Okinawa ,Mainland Japan and Korea. Soon I am going to Thailand.

I enjoy being a military child because you get to move to a bunch of different places and see amazing things. Another reason why I love being a military child is because you get to eat foods that normal people don't get to. But there are some hard parts about being a military child like leaving your friends or having your parents on deployment.

Here is some advice for when your parents go on deployment or you're moving. Don't worry they will be ok. You will only have one parent on deployment at a time so you might be able to call them. That is all, thank you for reading everyone!

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