Wherever they are Dandelions are beautiful They flow into the wind Following the breeze They are survivors No matter the weather or climate Just like us
Daisy Cutshaw
Every April, we celebrate military children We celebrate their service for this country We thank them for their sacrifices Although they aren’t the ones on the frontlines They’re the ones hoping...
Ciara Galvez
My experience as a military child is sad yet enjoyable, it’s sad watching my friends leave me and me having to leave them. After finally getting used to life and getting settled in and comfortable...
Cassandra Peacock
Growing up as a military child Means moving around quite a while New schools, new friends, new neighborhoods too Leaving behind what you once knew Dad or mom would get deployed Your heart...
Antonio Valinhas
In the Month of April so bright, shining and honor and respect is so true to all of the military children and all they go through. Their courage and strength is so grand, generations have worked so...
Angel Alcivar
The dandelion Yes it represents me It shows the person I have grown up to be There are parts of me All over the place We get swirled around With no time to brace New cities new towns A brand...
Rhiannon Roscoe