When you are a military child, it can be hard and sometimes fun. It can get sad because you have to leave your friends, that is hard. You can have fun too! The fun part being a military child is that...
Ami Del Rosario
What I like about being a military kid is I get to travel. I get to eat different foods, make new friends, new teachers. Lastly, I get to see different cultures. What I don’t like about being a...
Alexander Alterio
Imagine moving from place to place for some years… that’s what you call being a military kid! Here’s some pros and cons about being a military kid. First, you get to eat different types of foods all...
Aedre Tabin
The things I like about being a military kid is I get to play video games with my friends. Also, I get to travel and learn new languages. The other thing is we get new cars and meet new friends. The...
Austin Cameron
If you’re a military child since birth like me, you should get that you move a lot. You get to meet new people and learn new things. But sadly, you have to leave all your good friends and start over...
Connor Kane
Hello, I’m Ella and I’m a military child! What I like about being a military child is that I can go to other places. Second, I can go to new schools. Sometimes I can see old friends from other places...
Ella Marasigan