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Sydney A...

One benefit that I have from being a military child is that I get to travel to many different places. One of those places being Egypt…In the fall of 2018, my family and I went to Egypt for my dad’s birthday. My mom had been 4 months pregnant with my baby sister. Since Egypt was a desert, I was sweating up a lake. When we were touring, the guide kept calling my dad “King”, my mom “Queen”, and my sister and I “Princesses”. We rode on the camels and climbed up the pyramids. When I approached the pyramids, the pyramids were standing their ground saying,

“Are you ready for the challenge?” After we climbed the pyramids, my mom and my sister went to a temple, while my dad and I waited for them. When my mom closed her eyes, a woman’s voice whispered the name, “Amira”.

My mom opened her eyes and turned to Olivia, my sister and asked her, “Did you hear that, Olivia?” Olivia shook her head.

When we went back to the guide and the car, my mom turned to my dad and told him,

“The weirdest thing happened, Ian…when me and Olivia were at the temple, I heard this voice whisper “Amira.” ' And then, the guide turned his head with a shocked, but calm expression and said,

“Well, Amira is Arabic for ‘Princess’ and Jewish for ‘one who speaks’. “My whole family was surprised about this translation, because the guide had been calling us royalty names and for Olivia and I, it was “Princess”, so it was very cool. 5 months later, my baby sister was born and my mom named her “Amira”. I was very happy that we had a new addition to the family, and excited for more surprises.

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