Tristan C...
Yokota Middle School
In the spring of 2022, I moved to Japan. It was almost unreal, I never thought I would be able to have that chance. The only reason I was able to because my mom was in the military. I am very lucky to be affiliated with the military. I have chances that most other kids in the world would be able to do. Soon I got used to it, but I still felt like I had a one in a million chance to be able to live in Japan, because I did. But come early December we got to go to Disneyland. We had a lot of fun. I was very privileged not only to go to Disneyland but to go to Disneyland in Japan. We didn’t really care about wait time; we would just get in line because we just wanted to have fun. Everything was falling up roses for me. But I was still really shy, when we went to order food I could barely say ”こんにちは” (hello in Japanese); so my dad ended up just ordering even though I was capable to, I was just nervous. Overall being a military kid is a very good experience with many privileged opportunities.