Eli R...
Yokota Middle School
My least favorite thing about being a Military Connected Child is moving. Not moving countries but moving houses. My family and I had been fed up with living in a tower on Yokota Air Base. It was the summer of 2019 and we had lived there for the school year and we were ready to make the big move off-base. We had contacted a realtor and already had a house in mind. We toured the house and found it was an almost perfect match. We told him that, “It was a little too big for us.” He thought for a moment and told us his solution. “I have a smaller house in mind that I can show you, if that’s what you want.” We answered with a resounding yes. He took us to the house, about a mile away, and when we got there, we knew we wanted it. It was smaller than the last, but felt sung like a cookie in a cookie cutter.
While inside, I could feel the house whispering to me, “Pick me, pick me!” The next two weeks, we focused on moving all of our stuff. I remember having dinner on the floor, relishing our new house.