Isaiah S...
Yokota Middle School
Life as a military child provides for many amazing experiences which take us all around the world where we can meet new people and see new countries but it’s not without its hurdles. These problems can be very devastating like moving every few years and having to leave old friends which is very difficult. The first main benefit (this could also be considered the main problem) is that we get to move every few years and experience different parts of the world. I myself have experienced this a few times and I have many different experiences around the world. My most memorable was when my whole family (my two older brothers, my parents, and my dog Mochi) were sent to Yokota air base where I still live today. We moved in early March 2022 when my dad found a job as a teacher at Yokota High School. When we first got here, I thought my brain was going to go off like a bomb because the entire area was new and it was the first time I lived in Japan. My dad also was constantly reminding us “ you guys are right now in the middle of Japan”. My first experience at the middle school was very intimidating and the whole school was like a maze. Even after the first weeks I still got lost often and needed to ask where certain classes were. Then after 4 months it was summer break. This was the biggest break of the year and we did not waste it. First of all we traveled to Tokyo and experienced the sights and food, then we explored on base to get familiar with the important locations, and then we explored off base around our home. In conclusion, being a military child has given me many experiences others don't have and I am very lucky to be able to travel the world.