Dreik H...
Osan Middle/High School
I am from The Gateway to South America, I am from the tropical world and Latin music. I am from the green and tall mountains under the clear skies. Obleas, Bandeja Paisa, it tasted like food from the gods.) I am from the waka waka eh eh The samina mina sankarewa anawa ah ah Whose white and gray birds I remember As if they were my own.
I am from my Dada and my Mama, From Grandma and Grandpa. I am from the south and the west, From “I love you” and “Did you wash the dishes?” I am from the emerald leaves in the bushes With a ton of caterpillars in the top of branches And ten soccer victories I can win myself. I am from the big transparent rivers and the shiny sun that is always bright, Bright colors that i always see, From the funny, and helpful friends that I lost To the PCS, They used to keep me entertained.
Under my bed there was a purple mirror Spilling words saying you are beautiful! Holding, A dandelion of memories To drift beneath my dreams. I am from those moments- Lost before I was found - I am a butterfly attached to the family tree