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Where I’m From (Inspired By George Ella Lyon)

I am from the Little America,

from one of the 13 colonies and The Old Line State

I am from the military under the origin of my home

history, freedom, it tasted like winning

I am from the root of the red, white, and blue

the new beginnings

whose a life I remember

as if they were my own.

I am from my Mr and Mrs,

from my Pops and Ma.

I am from the AF and the

rancid places,

from endless railroads and chugging trains!

I’m from the jolly

with a sprinkle of joy

and ten delicious breakfasts I can cook myself.

I am from the knowledgeable and laborious places,

“Did you do your homework?” and “I love you.”.

From the crisp, fresh air lost

to the poor,

used to keep me inside.

Under my bed was a VHS tape

spilling memories,

a piece of my life

to drift beneath my dreams.

I am from those moments -

when I walked before I ran -

I am hanging from the family tree.

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