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2023/Raymond -

Raymond B...

Pro: You get to travel the world. By being sent to an exotic place, you get to live in a place with different beliefs and lifestyle. I got to live in Japan for two years.

Con: It is hard to keep friends. After living in an exotic place, you will have to move away from your friends you made there.

Pro: You get to try new, unique foods. I got to eat traditional fresh ramen and other local foods.

Con: You are far away from your extended family in the U.S. You cannot visit them as easily. I used to be able to visit my grandparents every other weekend, but now I can only Facetime them.

Pro: You get to experience a different culture. In an exotic place, there are a variety of unusual customs from America. In Japan, there are special vending machines everywhere!

Con: You are always moving. After your time in an assigned place, you have to move again. I lived in San Diego for 8 years and then had to move to Japan.

Pro: With another school learning system, you can enjoy a new experience. I got to enjoy in-depth, fun, and interesting learning at a new school.

Con: You can rarely keep a dog where you’re moving. I had to leave my dog with my grandparents when I moved.

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