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2023/Callie -

Dear Stars and Stripes,

I want to tell you all about my experience as a military child. I am only in 6th grade, but I have moved 8 times! It is awesome to move around the world. I have lived in Japan, Italy, Hawaii, and much more! It is sad to leave my awesome friends, but I know I’ll make new ones and remember the old ones wherever I go next.

I also had some pretty amazing adventures in all the places I’ve lived, like hiking to a waterfall with a rope swing in Hawaii, exploring Pompei, and summiting Mt. Fuji. Another thing that I love about being a military child is that I only live somewhere for a short amount of time. Sometimes a place can have an excess of things to do, and you only do some of it in the time you’re there. However, other places don’t have as much stuff, and once you are done with it, you get sort of bored.

I’m excited for my next move and new adventures! I am sure I will make awesome memories and even better friends.


Callie R.

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