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2023/Khaylyn -

Khaylyn N...

Dear America,

Being a military child can be very fun, but hard at the same time. The only positive things about being a military child are exploring new places, making new friends, having new chances to experience new things, and new sights to see. In my opinion, being a military child is difficult. It’s not really fun to keep moving constantly every time you make memories. You have to leave all your memories behind without a choice. Due to this, friendships and relationships can’t last, if you don’t keep close contact or don’t have good communication. I personally don’t like when I leave people I love behind because I have the constant fear of them forgetting me, or will just suddenly stop talking to me without having any word from them. It hurts to just leave everything behind, and it also leads to sadness and depression. It takes time to recover and every time you recover, you make new memories with new people. After, you just end up moving before you know it, leaving all your memories behind once again. It becomes a cycle in life, unless your guardian or parent retires from the military, and you get a permanent house and life without having the worried feelings of moving away. I personally get jealous of that at times. At the same time, when you’re a military child, you can have connections with people and see them again, but its’ still sad to leave them behind.



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