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Month of Military Child

Hi, my name is Breezley, and I am a military child. Sometimes being a military child means that your dad or mom can be deployed. My dad is deployed sometimes. He is gone for a long time and I miss him. Sometimes he is gone when I have a birthday and that is hard. My dad always makes sure we celebrate and do cool things before he leaves.

I like being a military child because I can make a lot of friends. When I move I have to say goodbye to those friends. For example, In North Carolina, my friends were Piper and Sophiea. When I moved to Japan my friends were Sonora and Jeanna. I still talk to my friends on messenger .

I like being a military child because you can see a lot of different places and go to a lot of national parks. For example, I have been to 49 states and 3 countries! In Japan you can see a lot of cool places. Okinawa World is a park where there are a lot of snakes and they say that a white snake there is a lucky one. When it is spring you can see the cherry blossoms.There’s a lot of cool places in Okinawa Japan! Being a military child is fun but can also be sad.

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