Jyun S...
Iwakuni Middle School
It is important to support children whose parents serve in our armed forces for many reasons. Strong military families strengthen our country, so we need to take care of them. Children of military service members need to be fully supported. Here are a few of the reasons why it is so important to support military children. It is important to support military children because they go through difficult times. These times can be the result of them moving often. Many families move from the United States of America to different countries, and it is hard to learn different languages and cultures. It is hard to leave their lives behind, but they have no choice. They are forced to adjust to new surroundings and that can be difficult for them. The second reason is they have to leave behind many friends and meet new friends in the new locations. Military children have to change schools a lot, which can be very difficult. Military children struggle because there are many times when either one or both of their parents are gone. MCEC reports some effects of transition are: Being the new kid again Trying to fit in Worry, fear, uncertainty Sadness of leaving friends, familiar surroundings Learning gaps or overlaps Different tests, curricula, schedules Lack of connection/relationships to teachers, peers The military needs our support because they fight to protect our country, and their families are the ones who sacrifice the most. They need to feel appreciated and valued. Oftentimes it is the children who sacrifice the most at such young ages. Children need to have support in place so they can be the best version of themselves. They should not have to worry about any unnecessary things. They should be able to focus on being kids.