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The Strong Kids of the World

In my opinion, I believe that military kids are strong and resilient because they have to deal with things that can make people cry. One of those things is that military children have to deal with moving away from their friends and sometimes even family which can be sad for a lot of people. Some examples of this is when your dad/mom’s ship is traveling somewhere else so that parent has to go with them. This can make it hard but also really cool because you can experience new people, new landmarks and new traditions. This is the beginning of the excellence and resilience of military children.

Military children are so resilient and strong that they turned an entire month into a dedicated salute for these children. The month of military kids is in April and they celebrate this by wearing purple. Another thing that they do is that they have a week of different conditions for clothing in most American schools. These conditions are not required but you should still wear the clothing if you have the right pieces. Monday you were your school's color, Tuesday you were something related to the military like soldier gear and Wednesday you were purple. On Thursdays you were red, white and blue for America's colors, and finally on Fridays you wore superhero wear so you could dress up as your favorite superhero. In conclusion, military children are resilient and trustworthy.

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