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Where I’m From, Inspired by George Ella Lyon

I am from the Garden State,

From basketball and supportive teams.

I am from sizzling hot dogs under the blazing sun.

Sandy, beaches, it tasted like salt water.

I am from the fields of perfect peppers

The expansive farms

Whose shades of green I remember

As if they were my own.

I’m from Damme Hills and standing-at-attention sunflowers,

From fluffy snow and fast sleds.

I’m from the Christmas markets and the

Delicious bratwurst,

From pretzel bakeries and flaky croissants.

I’m from the majestic mountains

With a cherry on top

And ten backyard trees I can climb myself.

I’m from chocolate and the yummy meat,

Frosty donuts and sparkling water.

From the friends lost

To the PCS,

Used to keep me happy.

Under my bed was a purple backpack

Spilling dandelions

A field of memories

To drift beneath my dreams

I am from those moments-

Energetic before i settled-

An apple attached to the family tree.

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