Tian L...
Ryukyu Middle School
Tian Lujan
7th Grade Mom, where am I from again?
Ryukyu Middle School It's actually kind of weird when somebody asks where I’m from because a lot of people usually indicate where they're from because of where their parents are from, and where they're born, or even raised. It's kinda of weird cause you can say I’m from all those places for example I was born in Italy and lived there for a couple of months, I grew up being told I was from Guam cause that's where my family is from there! And I believe that it's just that I’ve been living in Okinawa, Japan for almost 11 years, so it feels like this is where I'm from. Something cool about being a military child is that I’ve been to several continents, not everybody can say that they’ve been to 3 different countries I’ve been to Asia, North America, and Europe. Lastly, my main language is English so everybody asks me if I am American but no! I’ve only been to the States for a trip to Disneyland when I was 2 years old. I know it's weird but that's just the life of a military child.