Archie Q...
Sullivans Elementary School
Hi, my name is Archie, and I would like to tell you about being a military child so first, you have to move everywhere like, your mom, or dad has to have orders to move somewhere, and also what is heart breaking is that your mom or dad has to go on deployment. Deployment is when your mom or dad must go to the ship and leave for 3 to 9 months so it's really sad for them to leave. I don’t like it when my dad leaves. I don't cry but I'm sad inside because my dad helps me with my homework. But most of the time it’s me who does my homework but he helps me in the hard parts of homework so that's why I don’t like my dad leaving for deployment. But the good part is that they are going on deployment for the whole entire world just imagine one of your parents saving the world! I know it's crazy! So, I think about my dad that is gonna save the world just because he's going on deployment! Super crazy! Anyway, that's all I have today, thank you!