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Charlotte C

In my life, I only moved twice and lived in two places. I’m American originally but I was born in Belgium. I know being a military child is hard, even if I barely experience the down sides. When I moved for the first time to America, it was a big change for me, not only with the time change, but with the people and culture too. Over time you warm up to the place, after three years I had great friends and a great life. But suddenly it was all taken away and we were moving back overseas. It's not all bad though; every year some of my friends leave and more come. Everywhere you go you learn something new about culture, and you can reach many new places in a short amount of time. Ever since I moved back, I’ve been happier because this feels like home. It all feels right. Every year I travel, experience new cultures and meet new people.

By Charlotte C.

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